Quarantine Life: Day 6, Reading Weekend
Today was one of the most peaceful Sundays we’ve had in a while. No appointments, no errands, no pressure to go out. I took the opportunity to have a reading weekend. I settled in with a cup of tea, a warm blanket and an ebook from the library, The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman. I’m about a quarter of the way through it and it’s a fantastic read so far. It’s about a WWI veteran who comes back home to Australia after the war and becomes a lighthouse keeper on a remote island. He and his wife have no children of their own, but one day, a dinghy washes up on their shores with a dead man and a live baby. The husband wants to report the incident to the proper authorities, but the wife sees the occurrence as God’s answer to their prayers for a child and she begs her husband to let them keep the baby. What will they do? What will be the repercussions? I’m excited to read on and find out more.
I expect I’ll do a lot more reading during this quarantine, so any book recommendations are welcomed and appreciated.
A cup of tea and The Light Between Oceans.
This daily blog post series is our way of sharing our experience with you, our readers. We’ll talk about our daily routines, adjustments to working from home, recipes based on limited ingredients and any other topic that comes to mind. It’s our way of connecting with the “outside” world, while also giving us the opportunity to look within and reflect on what we’re experiencing and how we’re feeling. Thanks for your interest in sharing this journey with us. Stay tuned and be well.