Quarantine Life: Day 52, At-Home Spa Day
One thing I’ve learned from this shelter-in-place life is the importance of self-care. When each day can kind of blend into the next, it’s nice to treat yourself to something a little out of the ordinary. I’ve decided my special treat is to do an at-home spa day with whatever products and I already own.
Special bath products. Everyone has nice soaps or bath products, right? You likely got them as a gift. They’re nice. They’re almost too nice to use, right? I’ll admit I’m guilty of that. I have a display in our bathroom of various soaps and bath products I’ve collected over the years. They all smell amazing and live in adorable bottles, but I’ve hesitated to use them because they’re “fancy.” I saw an episode of Queer Eye that warned against using the word “fancy” to describe clothes or experiences because it makes it seem like you should be saving those things for an important occasion. As a result, people often completely miss out on enjoying these nice things. Instead, the Fab Five suggested using the word “special.” I liked that perspective and I realized I can definitely use a good dose of special right now. So, watch out world. I’m about to use my special bath products!
Facial products. I don’t have an extensive line of facial products, nor do I subscribe to any particular facial care regiment (although they do look interesting). My facial care routine consists of cleaning my face with a makeup remover wipe at the end of the day, followed by a quick wash/rinse with a facial cleanser. I then slap on some moisturizer and go to bed. I can easily do this in under 60 seconds. I’m usually so tired at the end of the day that I don’t really take the time to enjoy the process. So, tonight I’m going to slow down my routine and throw in a clay mask for good measure.
Jade roller. My friend Tiffany gave me a jade roller set as a bachelorette party gift a few months ago. It’s my new favorite skincare tool. You leave the jade roller in the freezer until it’s nice and cold. You then gently roll the cold stone over your face and neck to increase circulation, reduce puffiness and more. It also feels fantastic, especially now that the days are getting hotter. The feeling of cold stone is really refreshing and relaxing.
Manicure and pedicure. I’ve treated my manicure and pedicure routine much like my facial routine. It’s more of a personal grooming chore than anything else. I keep my nails short, clean and polished. Tonight I’m going to do a nice foot and hand soak/scrub, followed by a manicure and pedicure treatment.
Aromatherapy. My coworker gave me a travel-sized bottle of aromatherapy spray last year, which I love. It’s a clean, calming scent that I like to use as room or linen spray.
Well, that’s it. Pretty simple, but I’m very much looking forward to my at-home spa evening. I hope you all are finding ways to relax and to take care of yourselves.

This daily blog post series is our way of sharing our experience with you, our readers. We’ll talk about our daily routines, adjustments to working from home, recipes based on limited ingredients and any other topic that comes to mind. It’s our way of connecting with the “outside” world, while also giving us the opportunity to look within and reflect on what we’re experiencing and how we’re feeling. Thanks for your interest in sharing this journey with us. Stay tuned and be well.