
Welcome to The Savory City. Follow our adventures on food, drink, travel & healthy living in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond.

Grant &Teresa

Quarantine Life: Day 30, Family Tree Project

Quarantine Life: Day 30, Family Tree Project

One of the projects I started even before our shelter-in-place mandate was researching my family tree. I’ve always been interested in family history and stories. Now that I have much more time at home, I figured it’s a great time to pick up this project again.

One great resource I discovered is free access to Ancestry.com’s archives through my public library. Access to certain public records usually requires a paid membership on Ancestry.com. Membership fees range from about $25-$50 a month, if paid monthly. Having free access to this amazing resource is a game changer.

Within five minutes of tapping into this free resource, I was able to find a 1953 ship manifest of passengers arriving at the Port of San Francisco with my great grandfather’s name. I think he was on his way to visit my great aunt in Florida at the time.

Check to see what resources your local libraries are offering. You might just be amazed!

This daily blog post series is our way of sharing our experience with you, our readers. We’ll talk about our daily routines, adjustments to working from home, recipes based on limited ingredients and any other topic that comes to mind. It’s our way of connecting with the “outside” world, while also giving us the opportunity to look within and reflect on what we’re experiencing and how we’re feeling. Thanks for your interest in sharing this journey with us. Stay tuned and be well.

Quarantine Life: Day 31, Cassava Tortillas

Quarantine Life: Day 31, Cassava Tortillas

Quarantine Life: Day 29, New Work Station

Quarantine Life: Day 29, New Work Station