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Grant &Teresa

It's That Time of Year

It's that time of year 
for eye bags, stress pimples and worry warts
for last-minute cramming and 
note card making and
blue book buying.
It's that time of year
for red bull
bagel bites and
mac & cheese.
It's that time of year
for prayer vigils and study groups
paper revisions and re-revisions
frustration and procrastination.
It's that time of year
for groaning Facebook updates and Tweeting complaints
L-O-Ls and F-M-Ls.
It's finals week. 
And apparently, it's that time of year when I lock myself in the library and sit in the basement banging out poetry instead of writing my 10-page paper that's due tomorrow. And on that note, I bid you adieu!

Bay to the Breakers

ESF: Final class banquet